Tag Archives: European

Ozujsko Pivo 50 cl

This beer is “most favourite Croatian beer,” as it’s claim to fame says on the can. I initially bought it because the colourful label caught my eye. I bought it a while ago, and I hope I didn’t pay more than $3.00 CAD for it.

It doesn’t say what type of beer it is, only that it IS beer, which is a good start. (wikipedia -> it is a Lager!) It is golden yellow and has no scent, which leads me to believe it is a blonde, a lager, or some other type of light beer.

It’s taste is generic, but it is cold, crisp and clean. It has some peach and an olivey sort of flavour which tastes a bit better than it sounds. I can’t read Croatian, but it probably says “fresh glacial water,” as my biggest qualm is that it could be the most watery beer I’ve had, and doesn’t have a ton of taste, but it is refreshing.

It has a flat taste to it, and the initial head was a little weak and a little bland. I’m having a hard time finding great qualities about Ozujsko. Maybe it’s croatia’s favourite because it’s cheap and crappy.

Ozujsko would be great to drink:

If other beers are sold out
If you just turned legal drinking age and want to pretend to be a connoisseur by drinking sub par exotic beer

That being said, it’s not the worst I’ve had, it is different enough to bring about a “meh” response.

Grade: C-

Feel free to request a beer or share your thoughts about Ozujsko!

Happy Victoria day weekend! I’ll do a review over the weekend even though I’ll be camping.


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Filed under C-, European, Lager